Experts: Supernatural frights offer meaning amid chaos

"There seems to be a certain degree of randomness and chaos to the lives we lead, and sometimes people want structure or explanations to human existence," Eddy White says. "Paranormal or supernatural phenomena can help provide that meaning." (Credit: )

Interest in the paranormal—on Halloween or otherwise—is a “natural human impulse,” say experts.

A major force that attracts people to the supernatural is the search for meaning in a complicated world, says , an associate professor of practice in the department of public and applied humanities at the University of Arizona. He teaches a course called Weird Stuff: How to Think About the Supernatural, the Paranormal, and the Mysterious.

“There seems to be a certain degree of randomness and chaos to the lives we lead, and sometimes people want structure or explanations to human existence,” White says. “Paranormal or supernatural phenomena can help provide that meaning.”

The supernatural beyond religion

Much of the meaning we look for has to do with our mortality and what happens after death, which is why people make a living as psychics, fortunetellers, and ghost hunters, he says.

That search for meaning goes beyond questions about death. Belief in the paranormal can also provide people with a sense of belonging in a world where we may feel insignificant, he says.

“The world of science makes us feel smaller and smaller as we realize that the universe and the cosmos is much, much larger,” White explains. “¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ is discovering what is out there, but not our place in it. So people look to other areas where they can find some answers to those questions.”

White says a downward trend in Americans participating in organized religion, especially among younger people, is fueling belief in the supernatural.

“For some younger people, organized religions are not appealing or are not able to provide answers that are compelling or make sense to them. So they look for answers elsewhere.”

While the search for answers is part of what draws students to his popular course, White says it’s also simply fun and fascinating to learn about a variety of beliefs ranging from astrology to Bigfoot. In addition, he says, students leave his class with strengthened critical thinking skills and a deeper appreciation for the mysterious in our human experience.

Frightening fun

Our fascination with the supernatural is not always rooted in deep-seated questions about life and death, says , professor emeritus of English. Hogle, an authority on Gothic literature, says sometimes it’s fun to be frightened. This is why we love ghost stories and horror movies; when we’re scared, but aren’t actually in danger, our endorphin levels increase.

“We’re in a state of heightened awareness, but we know at the same time that we are safe,” Hogle says. “We can take pleasure in the endorphins going off like this without actually being threatened.”

Gothic stories combine terror and romance and often feature storylines and characters torn between ancient beliefs and modern ideas.

Frankenstein was a quintessential example of that,” Hogle says. “It suggests that, in trying to create life, Frankenstein studies the old alchemists of the Middle Ages, but at the same time he’s trying to use modern science.”

Gothic horrors

The genre dates to the 18th century with a story called The Castle of Otranto by English writer Horace Walpole. Gothic stories made the jump from literature to the stage to the screen and continue today on just about every media platform, with examples being Twilight and American Horror Story.

Monsters, Hogle says, tend to reflect the fear of things that we want to keep separate being together, like life and death or magic and science. He says those kind of discordant elements also often reflect the historic times during which Gothic stories surged in popularity. Frankenstein, for example, came out in 1818, shortly after the Napoleonic Wars ended in Europe.

While times change and technology evolves, Hogle says, there are common threads to how these monsters enter our lives.

Author Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in response to a challenge from the poet Lord Byron during a gathering at his villa in Switzerland in 1816. John Polidori, Byron’s personal physician, answered the challenge by penning The Vampyre.

Nearly 200 years later, in 2009, a challenge posted on the “Something Awful” online forum challenged people to create paranormal images. Forum visitor Eric Knudsen created black-and-white images of children being watched by a spectral figure that he called “The Slender Man.” That character has gone on to be featured in video games and a feature film.

The Slender Man harkens back to Frankenstein and vampires by creating an icon that embodies our fear, Hogle says. He adds that it also uses another popular and effective tool of the Gothic story creator: the fear of the unseen.

“There’s the implication that something is out there, and the viewer and the characters are invited to project into that otherness all of their fears, and that is terribly effective,” Hogle says. “That’s why the unseen is so fascinating.”

Whether you’re looking for your place in an ever-expanding universe or just looking for some frightening fun by simultaneously binging horror movies and fun-size Snickers, Hogle says fear of and fascination with the unknown is a natural human impulse.

White agrees, adding that the internet and social media will continue to provide platforms for content creators, fans, entrepreneurs, and others.
